Define and align your HR strategy for greater business success

At JinniSolutions, we believe that in order for Human Resources to add real value to your organization they must focus on three key areas; people, process and technology. Three discreet areas. Three discreet challenges. When opportunities for both efficiency and effectiveness are harnessed correctly, the result can be HR transformation, knowledge transformation and workforce transformation. Discover how our HR experts can support your business transformation.

The model below reflects JinniSolutions HR consultancy approach to supporting the leadership agenda. By creating innovative solutions across all the areas in the model, we reflect our philosophy that securing optimum organizational performance requires a 'joined up' approach to managing the entire world of Human Resources.

HR consultancy foundations

An organization would require consulting services in the following situations: Where

  • specialised expertise is required to solve a current or potential problem, that is not readily available within the client system
  • a type or level of objectivity is required which only an independent person could provide
  • the organization lacks the time to do what they could normally do and so employs external assistance

Some examples of where consultancy may be required are:

  • Performance Management (assessment and measurement tools and processes e.g. mystery caller, customer service surveys etc.)
  • Occupational Testing (Saville & Holdsworth, work sampling etc.)
  • Call centre management (e.g. call structures, call observation etc.) HR practices (Discipline and Dismissal, selection etc)
  • Career development and counselling